Excel and Numbers are great, but I use GoogleSheets for all of my spreadsheets for three main reasons:
Great for Collaboration
Looking for a family budget that anyone can access anywhere and at any time? GoogleSheets is cloud-based, meaning you can access your spreadsheets from any device with an internet connection, without needing to install any software. GoogleSheets also allows multiple users to collaborate on a spreadsheet simultaneously, with real-time updates. This makes it ideal for teamwork (go team family!) and remote collaboration, as users can work together regardless of their physical location or device.
Value for Money
One of the main reasons I started my shop was to help people looking to build financial security on a tight budget. Remember the days when you just bought Microsoft Office once, rather than paying upwards of $80 a year to use Microsoft 365? My spreadsheets stay free to access once you purchase them and aren’t locked behind a paywall if you don’t own Office 365! GoogleSheets is available for free as part of Google Drive, all you need is a free Google account and you’re good to go! Don’t have a gmail account? Sign up here.
One Version, Less Stress
Bet you didn’t know this: Since 1985 Microsoft has published 30 different versions of excel. And all of them seem to hate each other! There also seem to be quite a few versions of Numbers out there too, and there’s no way I could design a spreadsheet that works across all of these. There is one version of GoogleSheets, and it has never been updated in a way that would affect my automated spreadsheets. For those who regularly experience the white hot rage that comes from losing a saved file you have worked on for hours (Looking at you Adobe), GoogleSheets also automatically saves your work as you go, reducing the risk of losing data due to computer crashes, power outages and rogue children.
Final Note
For the best experience possible with my spreadsheets, please access them with a laptop or PC instead of a mobile or Ipad. They will work fine on most browsers, but I do recommend Google Chrome for the best performance.